Photo Kotz

Frederik Kotz, Dr.-Ing.


Department of Microsystems Engineering (IMTEK)
Albert-Ludwigs University of Freiburg
Georges-Köhler-Allee 103 | 79110 Freiburg im Breisgau | Germany

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Curriculum Vitae

Professional experience

  • 2007 - 2013: Studies in mechanical engineering (Karlsruhe Institute of Technology)
  • 2014 - 2018: PhD candidate at the NeptunLab
  • 2018 - present: Postdoc at the NeptunLab
  • 2018 - present: Co-founder of Glassomer GmbH

Scientific awards and prices

  • 2020: Gips-Schüle-Nachwuchspreis by Gibs-Schüle Stiftung
  • 2019: Innovators under 35 Europe by MIT Technology Review
  • 2019: Deutscher Studienpreis, Körber Stiftung
  • 2019: Südwestmetallförderpreis 2019, Employers Federation Südwestmetall
  • 2019: KIT Doktorandenpreis
  • 2018: GMM award of the VDE (Verband der Elektrotechnik, Elektronik und Informationstechnik)
  • 2018: Innovators under 35 Germany by MIT Technology Review
  • 2015: Best student paper award, SPIE Photonics West, Microfluidics, BioMEMS, and Medical Microsystems, San Francisco, USA

Journal Papers

C. Rein, K. Kamranikia, R. Council, P. Pezeshkpour, F. Kotz-Helmer, B. E. Rapp: "Scanning-Laser-Based Microstereolithography of Microfluidic Chips with Micron Resolution", Adv. Mat. Technol., 2024 | Link

S. Bhagwat, L. Hambitzer, R. Prediger, P. Zhu, A. Hamza, S.K. Kilian, S. Kluck, P. Pezeshkpour, F. Kotz-Helmer. B.E. Rapp, Tungsten Oxide Coated Liquid Metal Electrodes via Galvanic Replacement as Heavy Metal Ion Sensors, Sensors, 2024, 24(2), 416 | Link

D. Böcherer, Y. Li, S. Kluck, N. Nekoonam, P. Zhu, B. E. Rapp, F. Kotz-Helmer, D. Helmer, COLOR3D – Multicolored 3D printing of wood composites by submicron structuring, Addit. Manuf., 2023, 75, 103723 l Link

S. Bhagwat, A. Goralczyk, M. Luitz, L. Sharieff, S. Kluck, A. Hamza, N. Nekoonam, F. Kotz-Helmer, P. Pezeshkpour, and B. E. Rapp, In Situ Actuators with Gallium Liquid Metal Alloys and Polypyrrole-Coated Electrodes, ACS Appl. Mater. Interfaces, 2023, 15, 7, 10109-10122 | Link


A. Goralczyk, S. Savicheva, R. Montazeri, S. Fine , F. Mayoussi, P. Zhu,, K. Steffen, F. Kotz-Helmer, D. Helmer, B. E. Rapp, Spray-Coating of Superhydrophobic Coatings for Advanced Applications, Adv. Eng. Mater, 2022, 2201314 | Link

Mader, M., Prediger, R., Schell, K. G., Schmidt, G., Dorn, A., Jenne, S., Kluck, S., Hambitzer, L., Luitz, M., Schwarz, C., Milich, M., Greiner, C., Rapp, B. E., Kotz-Helmer, F., Injection Molding of Magnesium Aluminate Spinel Nanocomposites for High-Throughput Manufacturing of Transparent Ceramics. Adv. Sci. 2022, 2204385. | Link

F. Mayoussi, Y. Chen, D. Mössner, S. Franco Corredor, A. Goralczyk, M. Mader, A. Warmbold, F. Kotz-Helmer, D. Helmer ,B. E. Rapp, Smooth Transparent Omniphobic Coatings with Remarkable Liquid Repellence, Adv. Mater. Interfaces, 2022, 2201080| Link

Kluck, S., Hambitzer, L., Luitz, M. et al. Replicative manufacturing of metal moulds for low surface roughness polymer replication. Nat Commun 13, 5048 (2022). Link

P. Pezeshkpour, K. Sachsenheimer, A. Goralczyk, F. Mayoussi, M. Mader, F. Kotz-Helmer, D. Helmer, B. E. Rapp, A Real-Time Capacitive Sensor to Detect the Stability of Salvinia Layers on Porous Superhydrophobic Polymers Under Shear, Adv. Mater. Technol., 2022, 2200287 | Link

A. Goralczyk, S. Bhagwat, F. Mayoussi, N. Nekoonam, K. Sachsenheimer, P. Hou, F. Kotz-Helmer, D. Helmer, B. E. Rapp, Application of Micro/Nanoporous Fluoropolymers with Reduced Bioadhesion in Digital Microfluidics, Nanomaterials, 2022, 12(13), 2201 | Link

J. T. Toombs, M. Luitz, C. C. Cook, S. Jenne, C. C. Li, B. E. Rapp, F. Kotz-Helmer, H. K. Taylor, Volumetric additive manufacturing of silica glass with microscale computed axial lithography Science 2022, 376, 6590, 308 | Link

S. Franco Corredor, F. Mayoussi, M. Luitz, A. Kick, A. Goralczyk, D. Böcherer, G. Vera, D. Helmer, F. Kotz-Helmer, B. E. Rapp, A Polystyrene Photoresin for Direct Lithography of Microfluidic Chips. Adv. Mater. Technol. 2022, 2200084 | Link

S. Bhagwat, C.O'Brien, A. Hamza, S. Sharma, C. Rein, M. Sanjaya, D. Helmer, F. Kotz-Helmer, P. Pezeshkpour, B.E.Rapp, An On-Chip Liquid Metal Plug Generator, Adv. Mater. 2022, 2201469 | Link

A. Goralczyk, M. Zhu, F. Mayoussi, M. Lallemang, M. Tschaikowsky, A. Warmbold, S. Caliaro, F. Tauber, B. N. Balzer, F. Kotz-Helmer, D. Helmer, B. E. Rapp, Study of repellence on polymeric surfaces with two individually adjustable pore hierarchies. Chem. Eng. J. 2022, 437, 135287 | Link

M. Mader, L. Hambitzer, P. Schlautmann, S. Jenne, C. Greiner, F. Hirth, D. Helmer, F. Kotz-Helmer, B.E. Rapp: "Melt-Extrusion-Based Additive Manufacturing of Transparent Fused Silica Glass", Adv. Sci., 2021, 8, 2103180 | Link

M. Mader, C. Rein, E. Konrat, S.L. Meermeyer, C. Lee-Thedieck, F. Kotz-Helmer, B.E. Rapp: "Fused Deposition Modeling of Microfluidic Chips in Transparent Polystyrene", Micromachines, 2021, 12(11), 1348 | Link

F. Mayoussi, E. H. Doeven, A. Kick, A. Goralczyk, Y. Thomann, P. Risch, R. M. Guijt, F. Kotz, D. Helmer, B. E. Rapp: "Facile fabrication of micro-/nanostructured, superhydrophobic membranes with adjustable porosity by 3D printing", Journal of Materials Chemistry A, 2021 | Link

Luitz, M., Lunzer, M., Goralczyk, A., Mader, M., Bhagwat, S., Warmbold, A., Helmer, D., Kotz, F., Rapp, B. E., High Resolution Patterning of an Organic–Inorganic Photoresin for the Fabrication of Platinum Microstructures. Adv. Mater. 2021, 33, 2101992 | Link

M. Mader, O. Schlatter, B. Heck, A. Warmbold, A. Dorn, H. Zappe, P. Risch, D. Helmer, F. Kotz, B. E. Rapp: “High-throughput injection molding of transparent fused silica glass”, Science, 2021 | Link

F. Kotz, A. S. Quick, P. Risch, T. Martin, T. Hoose, M. Thiel, D. Helmer, B. E. Rapp: “Two‐Photon Polymerization of Nanocomposites for the Fabrication of Transparent Fused Silica Glass Microstructures”, Advanced Materials, 33, 9, 2006341, 2021 | Link

F. Kotz, M. Mader, N. Dellen, P. Risch, A. Kick, D. Helmer, B. E. Rapp: “Fused deposition modeling of microfluidic chips in polymethylmethacrylate”, Micromachines, 11(9), 873, 2020. | Link

M. Langenhorst, D. Ritzer, F. Kotz, P. Risch, S. Dottermusch, A. Roslizar, R. Schmager, B. S. Richards, B. E. Rapp, U. W. Paetzold: "Liquid Glass for photovoltaics: multi-functional front cover glass for solar modules", ACS Materials & Interfaces, 2019 | Link

K. Sachsenheimer, C. Richter, D. Helmer, F. Kotz, B. E. Rapp: "A Nontoxic Battery with 3D-printed housing for on-demand operation of microcontrollers in microfluidic sensors", Micromachines, 10, 599, 2019 | Link

P. Risch, D. Helmer, F. Kotz, B. E. Rapp: "Analytical solution of the time-dependent microfluidic poiseuille flow in rectangular channel cross-sections and its numerical implementation in Microsoft Excel", Biosensors, 9(2), 67, 2019, |Link|

F. Kotz, P. Risch, K. Arnold, S. Sevim, J. Puigmarti-Luis, A. Quick, M. Thiel, A. Hrynevich, P. Dalton, D. Helmer, B. E. Rapp: “Fabrication of arbitrary three-dimensional suspended hollow microstructures in transparent fused silica glass”, Nature Communication, 10, 1439, 2019 | Link

N. Keller, J. Bruchmann, T. Sollich, C. Richter, R. Thelen, F. Kotz, T. Schwartz, D. Helmer, B. E. Rapp: "Study of Biofilm Growth on Slippery Liquid-Infused Porous Surfaces Made from Fluoropor", ACS Applied Materials & Interfaces, 11, 4480-4487, 2019 | Link


T. M. Nargang,  R. Dierkes,  J. Bruchmann,  N. Keller,  K. Sachsenheimer,  C. Lee-Thedieck,  F. Kotz,  D. Helmer  and B. E. Rapp: "Photolithographic structuring of soft, extremely foldable and autoclavable hydrophobic barriers in paper", Analytical Methods, 10, 4028-4035, 2018 | Link

Cover1F. Kotz, N. Schneider, A. Striegel, A. Wolfschläger, N. Keller, M. Worgull, W. Bauer, D. Schild, M. Milich, C. Greiner, D. Helmer, B. E. Rapp: “Glassomer: Processing Fused Silica Glass like a Polymer”, Advanced Materials, 30, 1707100, 2018 CoverLink

F. Kotz, P. Risch, D. Helmer, B. E. Rapp: “Highly Fluorinated Methacrylates for Optical 3D Printing of Microfluidic Devices”, Micromachines, 9, 3, 15, 2018 (invited) | Link

D. Helmer, N. Keller, F. Kotz, F. Stolz, C. Greiner, T. M. Nargang, K. Sachsenheimer, B. E. Rapp: „Transparent, abrasion-insensitive superhydrophobic coatings for real-world applications”, Nature Scientific Reports, 7, 1, 15078 | Link

Cover2F. Kotz, K. Arnold, S. Wagner, W. Bauer, N. Keller, T. M. Nargang, D. Helmer, B. E. Rapp: "Liquid PMMA: A High Resolution Polymethylmethacrylate Negative Photoresist as Enabling Material for Direct Printing of Microfluidic Chips", Advanced Engineering Materials, 20, 1700699, 2017 |Back Cover | Link

D. Helmer, A. Voigt, S. Wagner, N. Keller, K. Sachsenheimer, F. Kotz, T. M. Nargang, B. E. Rapp: "Suspended Liquid Subtractive Lithography: One-step generation of 3D channel geometries in viscous curable polymer matrices", Nature Scientific Reports 7, 7387, 2017 | Link

F. Kotz, K. Arnold, W. Bauer, D. Schild, N. Keller, K. Sachsenheimer, T. M. Nargang, C. Richter, D. Helmer, B. E. Rapp: "Three-dimensional Printing of Transparent Fused Silica Glass", Nature, 544, 337-339, 2017 | Link | Video | Media Coverage

C. Richter, F. Kotz, N. Keller, T. M. Nargang, K. Sachsenheimer, D. Helmer, B. E. Rapp: “An Analytical Solution to Neumann-Type Mixed Boundary Poiseuille Microfluidic Flow in Rectangular Channel Cross-Sections (Slip/No-Slip) Including a Numerical Technique to Derive It”, Journal of Biomedical Science and Engineering, 10, 205-219, 2017 | Link

C. Richter, K. Sachsenheimer, N. Keller, T. M. Nargang, D. Helmer, F. Kotz, B. E. Rapp: "An individual addressable and latchable actuator array for microfluidic systems", Microfluid Nanofluid  20:130, 2016. | Link

C. Richter, F. Kotz, S. Giselbrecht, D. Helmer, B. E. Rapp: "Numerics made easy: solving the Navier–Stokes equation for arbitrary channel cross-sections using Microsoft Excel", Biomedical Microdevices 18:52, 2016 | Link

N. Keller, T. M. Nargang, M. Runck, F. Kotz, A. Striegel, K. Sachsenheimer, D. Klemm, K. Länge, M. Worgull, C. Richter, D. Helmer, B. E. Rapp: "Tacky Cyclo Olefin Copolymer: A biocompatible bonding technique for the fabrication of microfluidic channels in COC", Lab Chip, 16, 1561-1564, 2016 | Link

F. Kotz, K. Plewa, W. Bauer, N. Schneider, N. Keller, T. Nargang, D. Helmer, K. Sachsenheimer, M. Schäfer, M. Worgull, C. Greiner, C. Richter, B. E. Rapp: “Liquid Glass: A Facile Soft Replication Method for Structuring Glass”, Advanced Materials, 28, 4646-4650, 2016 Media Coverage | Link

E. Wilhelm, K. Deshpande, F. Kotz, D. Schild, N. Keller, S. Heissler, K. Sachsenheimer, K. Länge, C. Neumann, B. E. Rapp: “Polysiloxane layers created by sol-gel and photochemistry: Ideal surfaces for rapid, low-cost and high-strength bonding of epoxy components to polydimethylsiloxane”, Lab Chip, 15, 1772-1782, 2015 | Link


F. Kotz, P. Risch, D. Helmer, B. E. Rapp: “High-performance materials for 3D printing in chemical synthesis applications”, Advanced Materials (invited), 2019 |Link|

Books and Book chapters

F. Kotz, D. Helmer, B. E. Rapp: “3D Printing of Transparent Glasses”, book chapter within "3D Printing of Optical Components", 169-184, Springer, 2020 |Link

F. Kotz, D. Helmer, B. E. Rapp: “Emerging Technologies and Materials for High-Resolution 3D Printing of Microfluidic Chips”, book chapter within "Advances in Biochemical Engineering/Biotechnology", Springer Nature, 2020 |Link

F. Kotz: “Entwicklung neuer Materialien für die additive Fertigung und das Rapid Prototyping von Glas und Polymethylmethacrylat”, KIT Scientific Publishing, Karlsruhe, ISBN 978-3-7315-0835-9, 2018 | Link

Conference Contributions

Markus Mader, Leonhard Hambitzer, Holger Becker, Frederik Kotz-Helmer, Bastian E. Rapp: "High-throughput manufacturing of transparent fused silica glass by injection molding and extrusion", talk, SPIE Photonics West, San Francisco, USA, 2022

Markus Mader, Frederik Kotz-Helmer, Bastian E. Rapp: "Spritzguss von transparentem mikrostrukturiertem Quarzglas", talk, MikroSystemTechnik Kongress 2021, Ludwigsburg, Germany, 2021

K. Sachsenheimer, F. Mayoussi, A. Goralczyk, F. Kotz, D. Helmer and B. E. Rapp , Impedimetric Sensor for Salvinia Layer Detection on Fluoropor-coated Electrodes under Shear Stress, SPIE BiOS, 2021, Link

Markus Mader, Frederik Kotz, Bastian E. Rapp: "Towards high-throughput polymer replication of transparent fused silica glass", talk, SPIE Photonics West, San Francisco, USA, 2021

F. Kotz, P. Risch, M. Thiel, A. Quick, D. Helmer, B. E. Rapp: “Sacrificial Template Replication: Fabrication of arbitrary 3D microfluidic channels in transparent fused silica glass”, talk, SPIE Photonics West, San Francisco, USA, 2020

F. Kotz, L. Kneißl, P. Risch, B. E. Rapp: “Rapid prototyping of alumina-based microfluidic reactors”, talk, SPIE Photonics West, San Francisco, USA, 2020

M Luitz, P Risch, A Kick, M Reichel, D Helmer, F Kotz, BE Rapp

“Facile integration of electronics in glass microfluidic devices for electrochemical synthesis and analysis”, talk, SPIE Photonics West, San Francisco, USA, 2020

A Kick, D Helmer, F Kotz, B Rapp:“Generation of multi-level microstructures using a wavelength-selective photoresist and mask-less grayscale lithography”, talk, SPIE Photonics West, San Francisco, USA, 2020

F. Kotz, A. Striegel, N. Schneider, M. Worgull, B. E. Rapp: „High-throughput thermal replication of transparent fused silica glass”, talk, SPIE Photonics West, San Francisco, 2019.

T. M. Nargang, R. Dierkes, J. Bruchmann, N. Keller, K. Sachsenheimer, F. Kotz, D. Helmer, B. E. Rapp: „Structuring unbreakable and autoclavable hydrophobic barriers in paper via direct printing and mask-based photolithography”, talk, SPIE Photonics West, San Francisco, 2019.

D. Helmer, F. Kotz, B. E. Rapp: „Suspended liquid subtractive lithography: printing three dimensional channels directly into uncured polymeric matrices”, talk, SPIE Photonics West, San Francisco, 2019.

P. Risch, F. Kotz, D. Helmer, B. E. Rapp: „3D printing of highly fluorinated methacrylates for the rapid prototyping of transparent and chemically-resistant microfluidic devices”, talk, SPIE Photonics West, San Francisco, 2019.

M. Schmid, F. Kotz, P. Risch, D. Wußler, B. E. Rapp: „Wavelength-selective negative photoresist for photolithography suitable for generating microstructures with up to three distinct height levels per exposure”, talk, SPIE Photonics West, San Francisco, 2019.

M. Langenhorst, D. Ritzer, F. Kotz, P. Risch, I. Hossain, S. Dottermusch, A. Roslizar, R. Schmager, B. S: Richards, B. E. Rapp, U. W. Paetzold: „Advanced optical microstructures embedded in transparent encapsulation glass for photovoltaics”, talk, SPIE Photonics West, San Francisco, 2019.

F. Kotz, A. Striegel, N. Schneider, M. Worgull, D. Helmer, B. E. Rapp: „High-throughput structuring of fused silica glass“; talk, MNE, Kopenhagen, 2018.

K. Sachsenheimer, P. Risch, F. Kotz, C. Richter, B. E. Rapp, "Self-powered microfluidic sensing platform based on integrated microfluidic battery", poster, 22nd International Conference on Miniaturized Systems for Chemistry and Life Sciences (µTAS), Kaohsiung, Taiwan, 2018.

P. Risch, F. Kotz, D. Helmer, B. E. Rapp: "3D printing of highly fluorinated methacrylates for the fabrication of transparent and chemically resistant microfluidic devices", poster, 22nd International Conference on Miniaturized Systems for Chemistry and Life Sciences (µTAS), Kaohsiung, Taiwan, 2018.

P. Risch, F. Kotz, D. Helmer, B. E. Rapp: "3D printing of microfluidic glass reactors", poster, 22nd International Conference on Miniaturized Systems for Chemistry and Life Sciences (µTAS), Kaohsiung, Taiwan, 2018.

F. Kotz, A. Striegel, N. Schneider, P. Risch, M. Worgull, D. Helmer, B. E. Rapp: "High-throughput polymer molding of transparent fused silica microfluidic chips", poster, 22nd International Conference on Miniaturized Systems for Chemistry and Life Sciences (µTAS), Kaohsiung, Taiwan, 2018.

A. Striegel, S. Sharma, F. Kotz, B. E. Rapp, M. Schneider, D. Mager, J. G. Korvink, M. Worgull: „High-temperature micro/nano replication utilising lithographically patterned carbon tools“; MNE, Kopenhagen, Denmark, 2018

F. Kotz, P. Risch, K. Arnold, D. Helmer, B. E. Rapp: “Next generation 3D printing - The emergence of enabling materials”, talk, SPIE Defence and Security, Berlin, Germany, 2018| Link

F. Kotz, D. Helmer, B. E. Rapp: "Additive manufacturing of microfluidic glass chips", talk, SPIE Photonics West, San Francisco, USA, 2018| Link

T. Nargang, F. Kotz, B. E. Rapp: "Structuring unbreakable hydrophobic barriers in paper", talk, SPIE Photonics West, San Francisco, USA, 2018| Link

D. Helmer, A. Voigt, S. Wagner, N. Keller, K. Sachsenheimer, F. Kotz, T. M. Nargang, B. E. Rapp: "Additive manufacturing of microfluidic glass chips", talk, SPIE Photonics West, San Francisco, USA, 2018

F. Kotz, P. Risch, B. E. Rapp: “Rapid prototyping of microfluidic chips in polymethylmethacrylate (PMMA)”, talk, Mikrosystemtechnik Kongress (MST), München, Germany, 2017

F. Kotz, D. Helmer, B. E. Rapp: "3D printing of microfluidic devices in highly fluorinated perfluoropolyethers (PFPE)", poster, 21st International Conference on Miniaturized Systems for Chemistry and Life Sciences (µTAS), Savannah, USA, 2017

T. M. Nargang, F. Kotz, N. Keller, D. Helmer, B. E. Rapp: “Rapid structuring of proteins on filter paper using lithography”, talk, SPIE Photonics West, San Francisco, USA, 2017| Link

F. Kotz, K. Arnold, B. E. Rapp: "Three-dimensional Printing of Transparent Fused Silica Microfluidic Chips", talk, 21st International Conference on Miniaturized Systems for Chemistry and Life Sciences (µTAS), Savannah, USA, 2017

F. Kotz, K. Arnold, B. E. Rapp: “Rapid manufacturing of microfluidic chips in glass”, poster, 20th International Conference on Miniaturized Systems for Chemistry and Life Sciences (µTAS), Dublin, Ireland, 2016

F. Kotz, K. Plewa, C. Richter, B. E. Rapp: “Rapid prototyping of microfluidic chips in glass using a soft-lithography-compatible manufacturing process”, poster, 19th International Conference on Miniaturized Systems for Chemistry and Life Sciences (µTAS), Gyeongju, Korea, 2015

T. M. Nargang, E. Wilhelm, F. Kotz, D. Helmer, B. E. Rapp: “UV-light based structuring of unbreakable hydrophobic barriers on commonly used papers”, poster, 19th International Conference on Miniaturized Systems for Chemistry and Life Sciences (µTAS), Gyeongju, Korea, 2015

F. Kotz, C. Richter, B. E. Rapp: "’Liquid PMMA’: rapid prototyping of microfluidic structures in polymethylmethacrylate (PMMA) via direct lithography", poster, 19th International Conference on Miniaturized Systems for Chemistry and Life Sciences (µTAS), Gyeongju, Korea, 2015

F. Kotz, K. Plewa, W. Bauer, T. Hanemann, A. Waldbaur, E. Wilhelm, C. Neumann, B. E. Rapp: “Rapid prototyping of glass microfluidic chips”, talk, SPIE Photonics West, San Francisco, USA, 2015| Link

F. Kotz, C. Richter, B. E. Rapp: “A new rapid prototyping method for the fabrication of microfluidic chips in glass”, poster, Gordon Research Conference, Mount Snow, USA, 2015

F. Kotz, N. Keller, T.M. Nargang, K. Sachsenheimer, M. Dirschka, D. Helmer, C. Neumann, Bastian E. Rapp: “Computer aided microfluidics (CAMF): from 3D model to physical structures in less than a day”, talk, Euroanalysis, Bordeaux, France, 2015


S. Kavusi, F. Kotz: “Sensor integration in lateral flow immunoassays and its applications”, US10648976B2, 2020

S. Kavusi, F. Kotz: “Sensor integration in lateral flow immunoassays and its applications”, US10191047B2, 2019

S. Kavusi, F. Kotz "Sensor integration in lateral flow immunoassays and its applications", US9939438B2, 2018

S. Kavusi, F. Kotz: “Sensor integration and its applications in a lateral flow immunoassay”, JP6134388B2, 2017

S. Kavusi, F. Kotz: “Lateral flow immunoassay sensor integration and analysis application”, CN104870999B, 2016

B. E. Rapp, F. Kotz: "Transparentes Quarzglas für die additive Fertigung", DE102016012003, 2016 | Link.

B. E. Rapp, F. Kotz: "Composition and process for producing a molded article of high-purity, transparent quartz glass by means of additive manufacturing”, WO2018065093, 2016 | Link.
