Welcome to the homepage of the Laboratory of Process Technology and the NeptunLab

New PhD positions available
Can you turn heat into a liquid? Help us develop a technology which captures the heat of summer to use in winter!
Glassomer on the cover of Science
Our revolutionary Glassomer materials have been used for Computed Axial Lithography CAL at UC Berkeley for printing glass and made it to the cover of Science Magazine.
Glassomer Technology published in Science
Our worldwide unique technology of glass making is published in Science - check out how glasses will be made in the future!
Gips Schüle Nachwuchs Award
Frederik Kotz has received the Young Researcher Award of the Gips Schüle Stiftung
Our first Nature paper!
Three-dimensional printing of transparent fused silica glass

Recent publications

N. Nekoonam, S.A. Sheikholeslami, S. Tisato, P. Zhu, R. Montazeri, Z. Hosneolfat, and D. Helmer*, z-GrAdd – Facile fabrication of various functional gradient materials by 3D printing using the gradual addition of reagents, Additive Manufacturing, 2025, 101, 104713  | Link

A. Hamza, S. Alzalabny, P. Buduru, S. Bhagwat, A. Usama, S. K. Prabhulingaiah, Q. Song, Sebastian Kluck, G. Jaworek, P. Pezeshkpour, B. E. Rapp, A Silver Nanowires-Based Flexible Capacitive Touch Screen in Tactile Displays for Individuals with Visual Impairment Using Gesture Recognition, Advanced Materials Technologies (2024): 2401029. Link


N. Nekoonam, F. Dreher, F. Mayoussi, P. Zhu, R. Thomann, R. Montazeri, S. Bhagwat, L. Hambitzer, D. Helmer*, Enhancing Photoswitchable Wetting Properties of Hydrophobic Porous Spiropyran Copolymer Surfaces Through Surface Roughness Engineering, Adv. Mater. Interfaces 2024, 11, 2400396 | Link

D. Böcherer, R. Montazeri, Y. Li, S. Tisato, L. Hambitzer, D. Helmer, Decolorization of Lignin for High-Resolution 3D Printing of High Lignin-Content Composites, Advanced Science, 2024, 202406311. Link

C. Rein, K. Kamranikia, R. Council, P. Pezeshkpour, F. Kotz-Helmer, B. E. Rapp: "Scanning-Laser-Based Microstereolithography of Microfluidic Chips with Micron Resolution", Adv. Mat. Technol., 2024 | Link